May is Mental Health Month. We thought, what better way to celebrate than with new ways to learn about aromatherapy and the mind!

In 2006, Sylla published the Aromatic Mind Book for mental health practitioners to supplement their practice. But this book is also for anyone who wishes to use aromatics for mental health pursuits.

Part of the inspiration for this book was Sylla’s work on the PARP (Psychosensory Aromatherapy Research Project) study with her long-time colleague, Dr. Trevor Stokes. Dr. Stokes recently visited Florida, and we decided to start off our “Tea Time Interview Series” with him.

In this video, Dr. Stokes talks about how this project emerged, the methods they used, and how the principles of relaxation apply to both patients and therapists.

We’re learning how to create and edit videos, so it will be another few weeks before the video is up. Stay tuned!


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