Top Ten Worst Injuries from Essential Oils of 2014—Part Two

Top Ten Worst Injuries from Essential Oils of 2014—Part Two

We are continuing to present our “Top 10 Worst Injuries from Essential Oils” from the 2014 injury reports. The list featured below contains the top five worst cases. This is Part Two of a two-part series.

Learn more and help spread information on safety and the costs of misuse.

Stop the unsafe use of essential oils! Save yourself, your friends and family, babies, and animals.

See Part 1 for cases 6-10.

Here are summaries with direct quotes from the testimonials we received (please excuse the grammar). Most, if not all, of these were due to bad advice and misinformation.

Top 10 Worst Injuries from Essential Oils (Part Two):


5. Oral use. Due to ingesting a “lot of” oils—multiple drops multiple times a day—of Lemon and Grapefruit in water, one person now has been diagnosed with stomach problems, chronic digestive upset, and is looking at possible gallbladder removal.

4. Diluted blend on baby’s feet slows breathing. “blends X & XX were used on separate occasions on my son at 13mo. The blend was very diluted (topical on his feet), he was 13mo, and I was informed it was ‘safe’. His throat started closing on him and his breathing slowed to a very dangerous level. After further research, I found out they both contained eucalyptus & Rosemary, both unsafe for kids under six. We had applied it & diffused it around him before his reaction, so it wasn’t his first exposure to it. Very scary holding your child while they are helpless.”

3. Undiluted topical and oral use causes rashes.  “It took months to accumulate in my system, but once the rashes started, I could no longer use any oils without the rash coming back. I was told by XX Reps that I was detoxing and that I should use more oils. I was told to try different oils for the rash. I was told to take sulfur. I was told that it’s impossible to be allergic to the oils. I was told that I must have a defective gene which is causing the rash.”

Please don’t buy this and other myths. The essential oil chemistry expert Dr. Robert Pappas previously addressed this, as well as other myths, on his Facebook page for Essential Oil University.

2. Vaginal yeast infection leads to permanent scarring. “Was advised by a consultant to soak a tampon in tea tree oil, insert it before bed, wear it overnight and by the morning my yeast infection would be cleared up. Before bed that evening I put 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil on the tip of a tampon (I was worried about soaking the tampon as she instructed & using too much), I inserted the tampon and soon noticed a warm sensation. I called the representative as she told me it was normal and how I knew it was working. I went to bed and woke up about 6-7 hours later feeling like napalm had been poured into my vagina. I could not remove the tampon myself the pain was so bad. A neighbor drove me to the nearest hospital; They removed the tampon immediately and treated me for chemical burns with a prescription of burn jelly to continue using for the next 10 days, and more antibiotics to prevent the burn from becoming infected. At the 30 days check the tissue had scabbed over & partially healed. The 60 day exam the scabs were all gone but he noted I may have scars remaining and at the 90 day exam he told me scarring was present and would likely not completely heal.

1. Undiluted blend to six-month-old’s chest resulted in two febrile seizures. “…Fever was only 99 and stopped breathing, foamed at the mouth; after 10 min violent seizing, turned purple and stopped breathing. Companies need to start warning about the seizure effects with wintergreen, eucalyptus, fennel, etc! My son doesn’t have epilepsy or any medical conditions. Once I removed his shirt and washed his skin at the hospital 45 min later he stopped seizing and returned to normal.”

We were downright shocked by some of these cases. They’re getting worse, and the saddest part is, they’re totally avoidable with proper aromatherapy education.

We have to stop this from happening. You can help.


Share essential oil safety information with your friends! You never know who has been fed incorrect or incomplete information. Please make sure that your essential oil education originates from a qualified aromatherapy professional. There are a lot of voices of reason in this situation. Make sure you’re listening to them!

Holiday Pepper Jelly with Essential Oils: Nostalgia Kicked Up!

Holiday Pepper Jelly with Essential Oils: Nostalgia Kicked Up!

Hot Pepper Jelly is another holiday favorite that was a local homemade gift for my mom at the holidays. She always had it on hand with cream cheese and Ritz crackers. This year, my daughter Nyssa gave me some locally-made balsamic pepper jelly. I thought this would be a great time to continue exploring aromatic creations like my recent aromatic medicinal honeys.

I decided to play around and added essential oils to see what may work best.

First, I separated it into three samples and heated just slightly so it was easier to blend.

Then, I picked three oils to add. The oils I chose were: Sweet orange, Lime, and Cinnamon Bark (just for an extra kick).

I added one drop each to 2oz samples. It’s important to keep dilutions low, using only what is needed for effect. Believe me, these oils are pretty potent, so you won’t need much. And you are keeping it safe.

The results:

Lime won out!

Orange had a limonene “orange cleaner” overtone, and Cinnamon was okay. However, Lime was very refreshing with this balsamic pepper jelly. Taste-tested by my husband, we agreed that Lime wins!

To use, I spread on cracker with cream cheese. You can use any soft cheeses, like brie for example. Add it to a croissant or use as a glaze on veggies or meats!

I plan to try some other oils with my strawberry basil jam and mango lime salsa. Yum! Watch for those to come.

We encourage you to support your local jelly vendors (found at most community markets). Or if you are more of the jelly-making type, here are some links for Pepper Jelly.

Hot Pepper Jelly on Pinterest

Super Easy Hot Pepper Jelly

Let us know how it works out for you and which flavors and essential oils you like. Leave us a comment below!

More Ways to Use Essential Oils Internally—Safely and Deliciously!

More Ways to Use Essential Oils Internally—Safely and Deliciously!

We discussed aromatic honey in our internal use blog, but we wanted to expand on that and share more variations.

This includes honey, jams, and chocolate! 

You can take honey with a drop of Peppermint by the tablespoon. Or you can make a larger batch with more Peppermint, to be used sparingly.

For the larger option, keep the mixture in a closed container once you’ve added the Peppermint (or other essential oil—depending on the purpose). Blend the honey and essential oil with a ratio of 1 drop essential oil per ounce of honey. Any container will work!

Stick a toothpick or tiny spoon in the honey and suck on the end of it, or add the honey to tea or hot water when you’re stuffed up or feeling queasy.

Alternatively, you can use essential oils for different purposes like:

  • Rose for an uplifting mix
  • Lavender and Sweet Marjoram for a sleepy-time mix
  • Rosemary, Spearmint, or Lime added to a blend, or used alone for a zingy, wake-up mix.

For anti-infectious honey to help you combat colds or illnesses, choose Tea Tree (although it doesn’t have the most pleasant taste). You can also combine the “big gun” essential oils for more germ-fighting ability.

Those include Clove, Cinnamon, Thyme, and others. Be aware that these oils are also the most potentially irritant oils, and they require caution. I suggest adding in tiny amounts to avoid burning your mouth. These should only be used for fighting off infection—no long-term use!

Essential Oils in Jam

I felt inspired when my new, wonderful friend Leslie (“La Grande Jam Dame”) gifted me homemade blackberry jam with a hint of lemon. She was perfecting her culinary skills and wanted to share!

After the jam had cooled, she added an awesome touch with a couple drops of Lemon essential oil. It was such a nice, subtle lemon taste in blackberry—the best combination!

NOTE: This jam is made to be savored and eaten sparingly.

And because this is our focus, here’s a little safety information about using essential oils in recipes:

Putting two drops of essential oil in a large batch of jam is perfectly safe according to the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) designation for Lemon oil. This means Lemon oil has been deemed safe as a food additive, to enhance flavor in minute amounts, like in this recipe.

All essential oils are considered GRAS, and it’s not an FDA approval. It’s just a list of flavorings and seasonings that are allowed in minute amounts in processed food. This does NOT mean that essential oils, extracts, etc. have nutrients or that they’re missing from our diet any more than salt or castoreum, which are also on the list.

See more info on GRAS designations here.

More Honey

Now, back to the topic at hand: Once I was inspired by the jam, I had to try creating my own honey flavoring. I already had some local, raw, raspberry-infused honey. Then I added 2 drops of Cardamon essential oil and 4 drops of Pink Grapefruit oil to 6 oz of this honey. After that, I stirred and tasted it, and WOW, what a treat!

It was an unusually tasty combo. I spread the mix on a hot croissant or nice bread with some fine cheesepreferably with cranberries! Once spread, reheat gently, then get a napkin and enjoy!

This is safe because it’s a small percentage of oil in honey1 drop per ounceand it’s made with safe, non-irritant oils. Remember, it’s an occasional treat.

Leslie provided me with this recipe (below). I thought I’d share it with all of you. It will be my next creative holiday project.



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