Aromatic Reflection
Winter is the time of year where we’re called to slow down and be still. It might not seem that way with holiday season sprees, year-end deadlines, and new year jump-starts. But it’s very important to continue to find stillness in the whirlwind of winter.
Luckily, our oils are wonderful companions that constantly beckon us to take a moment for ourselves. One of the simplest ways to use essential oils safely is through inhalation. The act of stopping, sitting, smelling, and reflecting can provide just the kind of “time-out” that you need to restore your energy, reset your outlook, and continue.
You’re sitting here reading this blog, so go ahead, grab an oil from the shelf, and try this:
- Let Go. Relinquish yourself from whatever task is currently at hand, but don’t worry, you’ll get back to it. Just give yourself permission to pause, disengage, and return to your center.
- Get Comfortable. Sit back in your chair or find a more comfortable seat or position. Maybe lay down on the floor (set an alarm for a few minutes if you’re afraid you’ll fall asleep).
- Take a Deep Breath. Place a drop of essential oil on a cotton ball, tissue, handkerchief, or inhale from the bottle. Be sure to wave it back and forth while inhaling, alternating nostrils. Perhaps take a few deep breaths this way.
- Observe. Just watch what happens in your internal world. Can you invite in more relaxation? Are there memories emerging? What emotions do you feel? What does your heart say?
You can write your experience down in a journal or just let it sink in. Continue until you’re ready to return to your to-do list, but do so with a lighter heart and greater awareness.
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