When in need of finding your spark, Clary Sage offers to clear the way for clarity and connection.
Aromatically, Clary Sage has the richness that we find in many herbs with a brightness almost like a citrus. It’s a versatile oil that is also known as a euphoric—something that makes you feel good.
Therapeutically, it can also be used for helping with menstrual cramps, muscle spasms, and oily skin and hair (just to name a few uses!).
But used in a Daily Practice, it can help you to gain clarity in your creative projects.

Watch the video to learn more about how to use this essential oil in your daily practice.
Once you’ve watched the video and worked with Clary Sage, I want to know, what creative project do you want to bring into reality? What insights has Clary Sage offered you in how to make this happen?
Let me know by leaving me a comment below!
This is the first lesson in the Daily Practice Series happening this week.
👉If you want to make sure you won’t miss any others, get on our email list by subscribing in the side bar.
You’ll also be added to the invite list for our online class this Saturday on How to Use Essential Oils for Emotional Healing.
So grateful to be on this aromatic journey with you!
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